A Second Chance at Forever Read online

Page 3

  “I can do that.” She looked forward to it. More than she could tell him. “Meet me there, at the bar.”

  “I can be there in twenty minutes. See you soon, Candy.”

  There was something provocative and promising about the way he said her name that sent pops of pure electric pleasure licking along her veins.

  “See you soon, Alex.”


  Barely contained excitement continued to bubble in Angela’s stomach all the way to the Arctic. As she sat at the bar waiting for Alex to arrive, she could hardly restrain herself. A live band played on the small stage, filling the room with upbeat Latin music that had her dancing along in her seat. Bodies packed into the small lounge. The connected dance floor crowded with people shimmying to the music. Low and intimate, the lights cast shadows around the room.

  “You look very different with clothes on. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  At the sound of Alex’s voice, Angela turned on the barstool to face him. He stood with his hands tucked into his pockets, a wicked grin playing at the corners of his mouth.

  He looked fantastic, dressed in a simple pair of black trousers and a white dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to just below the elbow, showing off muscular forearms. The way the top buttons of his shirt laid open grabbed her attention. The gap in the fabric allowed her a delicious peek at a triangular patch of tanned skin. The small tuft of dark curly hair there had her fingers itching to sift through it.

  “I do occasionally like to wear clothing,” she said, pulling her gaze to his.

  “The fun is in taking it off, I think.” A potent combination of mischief and barely restrained desire danced in his dark eyes. It made her remember the boy he’d been once and how different he was from the man he’d become. He’d always been mischievous growing up. Now, somehow, she found that rebellious side of him more alluring. He’d grown a lot over the last twenty years, more mature, no longer the boy she remembered but a man. That maturity added attractiveness she found irresistible.

  She couldn’t contain the grin that twitched at the corners of her mouth. “Are you always this cocky, Alex?”

  He tipped his head back and laughed, light, open and honest, then sank onto the stool beside her. His knees brushed her leg as he turned toward her. “Only when I drink. I’ve had a few tonight. Don’t hold it against me.”

  She smiled. “Enjoying your vacation?”

  “Immensely.” Settling his gaze on hers in a way that sent desire slipping through her belly, he leaned his elbow on the bar. “I must admit I’m also a bit more frank with you because you rise to the occasion. I find that very sexy in a woman.”

  She cocked an eyebrow, unable to resist. “You like feisty women?”

  “No. I like smart, confident women. You can hold your own. That’s incredibly attractive.”

  Delight fizzled in her tummy like tiny champagne bubbles, that sense of power surging through her. He hadn’t said he’d found her body attractive, though he’d hinted at it. No, he told her in so many words that he’d seen her beneath Candy. That made her positively giddy.

  The music changed, an upbeat salsa rhythm pulsing through the club. Angela’s adrenaline kicked in. Her legs itched to move to the beat. She stood and held out her hand. “Dance with me, Alex.”

  His palm was warm and smooth as he slipped his hand into hers. As he rose to his feet, however, he didn’t immediately follow. Rather, he stopped where he stood, his gaze locked on hers. “You look very beautiful, by the way.”

  The way he said it, low and husky but softly honest, set her blood to blazing. She’d chosen to wear her black halter dress tonight because she loved the flare of the skirt, the way it floated around her thighs when she moved. Combined with the heels she had on, the dress also made her legs look longer. Stacy had taught her how to accentuate the positive by adding the right touches. Suddenly she was glad she’d listened to her friend.

  Alex took a step toward her, closing the space between them. “I believe I like you better with clothes on.”

  “Why’s that?” The provocative edge in his tone told her he had a reason. She was dying to know, if only to hear him say the words.

  “Because then I get to imagine taking them off of you.”

  The clear suggestion made her tremble. She turned toward him, allowed her body to press lightly against his. Felt rather than heard his subtle intake of breath, and watched a flame spark in his eyes. One corner of his mouth curled in pleasure. All things that told her she wasn’t the only one affected by the play between them. “Like that, do you?”

  “I find it highly erotic.” His warm palm slid over her lower back, where the open design of the dress left her skin bare. He tugged her the slightest bit closer, only enough that she could feel how aroused he was.

  Her breath caught in her throat. Visions of the two of them naked and wrapped around each other filled her mind, tormenting her. She heard his voice in that fantasy, a deep rough timbre, whispering to her in the dark. Swore she could even feel his hot breath on her ear. Desire pooled liquid and hot between her thighs, making her ache to be closer. So much closer.

  “Shall we dance, Alex?” she asked.

  His eyes flared. “I’m all yours, honey. Lead the way.”


  As she led him onto the crowded dance floor, Alex watched the gentle sway of Candy’s rear-end, idly wondering how he’d make it through the night without either devouring her or bursting into flames. The low level of arousal that simmered inside of him didn’t abate when she stopped at the edge of the crowd and turned to him either.

  Did she have any idea how gorgeous she looked? Her black dress stopped mid-thigh. Combined with stiletto heels, her legs looked like they went on forever. He couldn’t stop envisioning them wrapped around his hips. She’d pulled her hair up into a twist at the back of her head that made his fingers itch to pull out the clip, simply to watch the lush locks tumble around her shoulders.

  She took both of his hands and stepped into the rhythm in front of him.

  “It’s simple”—she said, showing him the steps as she described them to him—“wait for the beat then step forward with your left foot, rock back onto your right, then step back with your left. Then reverse with the other foot. Pause for a beat, then step back with the right foot, rock forward onto your left, and step forward with your right. Then it just repeats.”

  He nodded, waited for the beat, then stepped into the rhythm with her. It took a few tries to get it right, but eventually the two of them flowed together to the sultry rhythm.

  After a minute or so, she smiled. “You’re a natural. Now how about adding a few turns?”

  She was a good teacher, patiently leading him through a series of quick turns. He didn’t have two left feet by any means, but she made it easy to follow.

  No, it was watching Candy that got to him. The subtle sway of her hips as her body moved to the upbeat tempo. The continual feel of her hands in his, so soft and warm his mind flooded with images of them sliding over his body. The occasional brush of her curves against him during the turns only made him long to pull her against him. He couldn’t stop remembering the feel of her in his arms a few moments ago. He yearned to have her back there again.

  Like every time he saw her, it was something about her that called to him. She danced with confidence, her body straight and tall as she moved to the upbeat Latin music that wafted through the room. She enjoyed dancing. It showed in the way her entire face lit up. When he missed a step, she laughed. The sound was music to his ears.

  She was beautiful. Watching her gave him another glimpse inside the woman, different than the one who bared her body on stage every night. Softer, subtler, but every bit as potent. He liked this side of her. She took his breath away just watching her.

  Simply enjoying her presence, he followed her for four songs, one melting into the other. When another song ended, something of a slower tempo beginning, she stopped and closed the distance between them. Re
sting her hand against his chest, she leaned into his ear. “Let’s sit this one out.” Her voice rose over the music.

  It was all he could do not to close his arms around her. Instead, he pointed at the ceiling. “What is it?”

  “Samba.” She shook her head. “I don’t know this one very well, and I’m thirsty.”

  She took his hand and led him back to the bar. He dropped onto the stool beside her with what felt like a stupid grin plastered across his face. His breaths came quick and shallow. Not for the first time that day, he found himself aroused by her presence. It was the first official date he’d been on with someone other than Karen in over seven years. He’d known the day would come and had expected to feel…nervous and awkward, out of place, yet somehow he didn’t. Instead, he felt more relaxed then he had in a long time.

  The bartender appeared in front of them. “What can I get you?”

  Alex returned the greeting. “Whatever’s on tap.” He turned to Candy. “You want anything to drink?”

  She turned to the bartender. “White wine, please.” When he nodded and went to make their drinks, she turned back to Alex, her eyes alight with a mixture of amusement and curiosity. “You look like you’re having fun.”

  He caught her eye, that spark lighting between them once again. “I assure you it’s the company.”

  She bit her lip and lowered her gaze, and a flush crept across her cheeks. There was that sweet shyness that drove him crazy. That made him yearn for nothing more than to kiss her until she sighed and melted into him. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her left ear, and he wished like hell those were his fingers on her skin.

  “If I’m being honest, I haven’t enjoyed myself this much in a very long time.”

  Something as simple as dancing with a woman left him feeling lighter and more carefree than he had in…well, twelve months. For a while he’d forgotten himself. Forgotten his life and the eternal emptiness that waited for him back home. Exactly why he’d come to Vegas in the first place. Mission accomplished, and Candy was the cause. He had the sudden urge to tell her that, but decided to keep it to himself. Instead, he offered her a gentle smile.

  He picked up one of her hands and stroked his thumb over her knuckles. “I’m glad you called me tonight, Candy.”

  She lifted her gaze to his, need expanding between them in that one single glance. “So am I.”


  They ended up dancing until salsa night at The Arctic ended at three a.m. As Alex followed Candy through the immense parking lot toward her car, he found himself reluctant to let her go. It had been a simple night, but a thoroughly enjoyable one. He didn’t want it to end.

  She seemed to suffer from the same difficulty. When she stopped beside a dark blue Toyota, she turned to him, her eyes illuminated. “This is me.”

  He eyed the car. “Very sensible. Somehow I pictured you in a bright red convertible.”

  She smiled, this one more reluctant, softer. “I’m sure you’ve noticed I’m only Candy at the club.”

  “Actually I have.”

  She lowered her gaze to the ground, a soft flush sliding into her cheeks. That shy sweet side. It left him caught. Part of him wanted to discover every nuance of what made her tick. The caveman inside of him yearned to drag her off to a dark corner somewhere and feast on the lushness of her body.

  He reached out, unable to resist stroking a finger down her arm, reveling in the silky feel of her skin. “I kind of like this side of you.”

  She looked up and met his gaze. Her eyes searched his, wide with surprise and curiosity.

  “Candy’s very provocative. I’d be lying if I said she didn’t turn me on immensely.” More than he had words to convey.

  The color in her cheeks deepened, and that certain something ignited between them again. He took a step toward her, closing the space between them. They stood belly to belly, bodies barely touching.

  “But it’s this side of you I find the most…alluring. I’ve enjoyed your company this evening.”

  She peeked up at him from beneath long lashes. “So have I. Enjoyed your company, I mean.”

  Lord how he wanted her. Yearned to take her in his arms and taste her mouth, taste the passion those eyes told him lay inside of that gorgeous body.

  “What’s your real name?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets in an effort not to grab her. He was getting another glimpse at her. He didn’t want to break whatever spell held them bound.

  She quirked a brow. “What makes you think Candy’s not my real name?”

  “You don’t look like a Candy. You don’t act like one either.”

  She stared up at him for a moment, her face bathed in moonlight that made her skin glow. Then her back stiffened. Very softly, she said, “My name is Angela.”

  “Angela.” He studied her a minute, flicked his gaze over her, and drew a finger down her arm. “You definitely look more like an Angela than a Candy.”

  Even as he said it, images of a fifteen year old with bright blue eyes filled his mind. He couldn’t deny the similarities were there, but it couldn’t possibly be her. There was no way Brock’s baby sister would ever be a stripper at the Diamond.

  “I should go. It’s late.” She stared at him for a moment, studying his face, then leaned in and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek. “Thanks for being such a gentleman.” She pulled back to meet his gaze.

  She stood so close her perfume drifted to him on the slight breeze that blew through the buildings. Everything inside of him tightened in response. His arms yearned to pull her against him.

  Unable to help himself, he tapped his mouth. “I think you missed.”

  She stared at him for a long moment, sucked her lower lip between her teeth and bit down, then drew in a barely audible breath and leaned in. His heart drummed against his ribs in sheer dumb hope. He understood what she intended two seconds before her mouth touched his, but it was all the encouragement he needed.

  He groaned and cupped her face in his hands, meeting her halfway. He slanted his mouth over hers, savored the flavor of her tongue, and enjoyed the soft play of her lips with his own.

  He wasn’t sure what he’d expected from her—she was a walking contradiction—but she moaned against his mouth. Her nails curled into his chest as she pulled herself closer, deepening the kiss. When her tongue flicked against his, he knew he was done for. His arms wrapped around her of their own accord, every inch of him burning for that sweet release his body told him he could find in hers. She made him achingly aware of exactly how long it had been since he’d held a woman in his arms. God how he missed the simple feel of soft, warm, willing curves against him….

  With another quiet moan, she pulled back, and her eyes fluttered open. A coy smile slid across her mouth. A mixture of wickedness and shyness sparked in the depths of her eyes that made him want to groan in agony. The angel and the devil in a single look that wound him in knots.

  “Goodnight, Alex.” She pulled open her car door and climbed behind the wheel. Left him standing in the parking lot of the Arctic grinning like a damn fool and impossibly aroused, knowing full well he’d be at the Diamond tomorrow night.

  Chapter Three

  “You look exhausted, sweetie.”

  Angela stifled a yawn behind her hand as she shuffled into the kitchen the following afternoon, eyes half open. “Very,” she mumbled, the yawn catching her anyway as she came to a stop in front of the silver coffee maker on the countertop.

  Her mother stood beside her at the stove, pressing a grilled cheese sandwich onto the griddle. The scents of melting cheese and toasted bread filled the room, mingling with freshly brewed coffee. The delightful smells teased her senses as Angela pulled a mug down from the cabinet and filled it with the dark, steaming brew.

  She looked over at her mother as she set the coffee pot back into the base. She touched a hand to her mother’s short, spiky hair. During the course of her treatment, her gorgeous silver locks had all fallen out. “Hair’s gro
wing in nicely.”

  It still looked a bit like a military haircut, but at least she had some.

  Her mother lifted a hand and ran it over the hairs at the back of her head. “It’s still so short, but I feel like a woman again. I actually blow dried it this morning.”

  Angela gave her mother a quick, fierce hug. “I’m so glad you’re okay now.”

  There for a while it had been touch and go. They’d all had to face the possibility that they might lose her. Having to watch her waste away from the effects the drugs had had on her body had been difficult. Now, seeing her so full of life made Angela’s heart glad. She didn’t know what she’d do without her mother. She’d always been the family rock, what had held them all together after their father had died when Angela was four.

  Her mother squeezed her back, tears glistening in her eyes. Then she turned to the stove and flipped the sandwich in the pan. “Busy night?”

  Angela took a sip of her coffee, savoring the rich flavor. Warmth settled in her stomach, the small dose of caffeine already beginning to awaken her senses. She let out a blissful sigh before peering over at her mother and shaking her head. “Just a long one.”

  Unable to sleep, she’d spent the night staring at the moonlit ceiling, thinking of Alex, of their entire date.

  Of his kiss at the end.

  It had replayed in her mind, over and over, tormenting her. The hot, headiness of his mouth. His strong arms holding her tightly against his warm, solid body. She’d lain in bed wondering what he was doing, if he was in his hotel room thinking about her, aching the way she did.

  She sank onto a padded chair at the kitchen table, warmth blooming in her belly. Yeah, she was more exhausted than she’d been in a while, but that kiss had made her current fatigue worth it. The reality had been far better than anything her imagination had been able to supply. The man could kiss like sin.

  She plunked her chin in her hand as the realization settled over her. It was Sunday. Alex wouldn’t be at the club tonight. More than likely he was already on a plane headed back to his life in New York. For the first time since she’d started the job six months ago, she wasn’t looking forward to going out on stage, because she knew he wouldn’t be in the audience. The experience would never be the same without him.